Why I decided to become a Virtual Secretary

People often ask me why I decided to become a Virtual Secretary.

I had first considered the idea of setting up such a business in 2007 but then discovered that I was expecting my second child (now five) and decided to put it on hold as I couldn’t contemplate trying to run a business while also juggling the demands of a newborn baby.  Added to that my first child had not been an easy baby, suffering first from colic and then from gastric reflux, so I decided that if my second baby was likely to be the same then it just wasn’t going to be possible.  As luck would have it she was a model baby but I wasn’t to know that!

Two years later, I decided that I was ready to return to the world of work, but what could I realistically do?  I had a seven year old son at school, a two year old daughter at nursery, a husband whose job was not flexible and no childcare help from either set of grandparents.  This meant that I was always the parent who was at the school and nursery gates every morning and afternoon – I had no-one else to be there.

I did lots of internet research and decided that becoming a Virtual Secretary would be perfect for me.  It would solve all my flexibility issues and I could bring a wealth of secretarial and admin experience with me of working for big companies, including one of the ‘Big 4’ accountancy firms.

In September 2011 I started Bailey Secretarial, my website went ‘live’ and I haven’t looked back since!  I regularly attend small, local networking groups and have enjoyed meeting some really interesting people.

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